Picture Perfect


It started with math; it ends with math.  It started with something yellow; it ends with someone yellow.

I guess it would be appropriate to commence this project with math, a topic that I can say represents me very well.  I participated in a math competition today, the focus of my mind for the past few days. The excitement that had been brewing culminated in the events of today, only to be transformed into pure disappointment and regret when faced with defeat.  Disappointment for losing and regret for failing to study properly. Still, despite the unwanted results, there was free lemonade.  It wasn’t very tasty.

Parallelogram, 365,000 Words, May 27, 2009

The only difference would be the fact that I’m now ending this project and that I didn’t have lemonade this time.

I’m definitely proud of the fact that I was able to see the consummation of this project. In the beginning, I was almost certain there would be a day that I forget to take a picture, and there were a few close calls.

I feel like this project couldn’t have come at a better time.  It was the year of many changes in my life in the ways I deal with people to the ways I think.  They haven’t all been good, but that’s not a reason to forget them.  With these pictures, I’ve been able to “document” these transitions in my life.

Now, I’m really thinking of pursuing this further.  Let’s see how far I’ll get.

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